Strings of Life

“What is life? Is it your thoughts and feelings? Is it about hate, pain and love?
We live to learn, think and feel. Many people compare each other, they complain half of their lives, never happy with what they have. They judge other people saying how foolish they are. But they are the foolish ones, their lives are wasted never seeing their own faults. Never listening or trying to learn more, their minds are closed. Is this how we should live?
I think not. Life is a beautiful thing, a person should enjoy it. It is like music – we touch the keys and pull the strings. Then new lives are budded, like nature. In the depth of us there is freedom, that now and again breaks free.
Why be afraid of each other? We all feel the same, only afraid to talk about it. Then when we do talk we are said to be foolish.
Are we for trying?
Life is pain, hate, and love, it is also communication and friendship. Don’t throw your life away, learn about yourself and others. Don’t close your mind.
Be free.” 

(I found a small notebook yesterday from 1983 with a few of my writings, I was 14.  This is one of those pieces.  It’s safe to say I spent the day in a surrealist state.  This young girl isn’t very far away at all.)
See.  Be.  Receive

2 thoughts on “Strings of Life

    • It shocked me too…in truth still feeling that way.

      What happened to me to forget the intelligence in that girl? That was 30 years ago…here I am searching for those answers.

      As always thank you for your encouragement.

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