The Fiction in Reality

You know when you meet someone new and you share similarities and it’s charming to find what you have in common. Sharing words, exploring music, food and so on. Eventually you come to a place where you separate from each other and differences show up, at least they should.

For me that’s when the encounter becomes interesting. I get to learn you! There’s been a few experiences however when this didn’t happen. Instead of separation over time there was copying, cloning. No I’m not crazy with saying that. I’m that girl at the dinner table saying the things you’re thinking and afraid to say. You’re welcome.

Some of you are copy cats, I’ve met you, yes you (finger pointing and all)! It creeps me out. This is your come to Jesus moment. You’re not going to thank me, but the people next to you reading this are (they’re sorta scooting away from you right now). You’re welcome.

This is Social Studies 101 we learn to copy in cultures, our spouses, our families. We can’t escape influence. It’s impossible. But individuality needs to surface at some point, independence. I’ve seen people change their taste to fit another. If you’re changing yourself for the man/woman in your life, saying “stuff” to keep him/her, you’re NOT being YOU. There is no REAL relationship. All smoke and mirrors people! Entire experiences are based on this. I know I lived one!

Do you think you’re creating connection?  You’re not.  You’re actually creating fiction! I’m serious here.  This person has become a fiction writer and they’re trying to use my life as their pen.  I see you and I’m backing away.  This person scares me.

I’ve actually had someone say to me “I’m gonna take that and write it”. I quickly replied, “hell no! Go make up your own shit. That’s mine.” Why don’t you go take Van Gogh’s Starry Night, remove his name and put yours in place?  Umm…
1. It’s called theft!
2. You didn’t DO the work!
3. It’ll get your ass arrested. It should!

We’ve all heard this before you feel the importance of what I’m saying when the point is related to something famous, known.  Do I have to be famous for my writings, my craft, to matter? Tell me who determines my value? It’s my words, my passion, my heart, my expression, this is MY ART!!

We are a world of enablers. We encourage each others complete insanity to make our own seem sane. Admit it it’s true!

My tolerance levels dive when I meet a bully, manipulator and a conscious enabler! I have to give unconscious folks a pass because they just don’t know.  It’s the ones playing like they don’t know but you know they do!  You can feel that little nudge telling you “something ain’t right”.  I believe if I take part in keeping you in these states I’m not living my contract with you and holding you in high regard. I’m taking part in actions that do not hold you to your potential. I shudder. I can’t take the thought of being a part of this energy. Then taking that and passing it on to everyone I come in contact with. Oh shit!!

That creates a burden I feel in my soul!  Part of my purpose is to call you out.  So if you meet me be prepared I’m not taking your BS.

We’re supposed to shake up the world.  We’re supposed to live OUR difference.  That’s when we see dynamic results in our own lives and don’t tell me that’s not changing the world.  You have to break from these actions that do not serve you so you can feel from YOUR center.  You cannot live from the center of another.

The world needs each of us to be individual. It’s OK we’re all a lil crazy. I’ve done a lot of damn work figuring out my crazy, go do your work, express your crazy.

See. Be. Receive.